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I've just uploaded the full version of this song to my old YouTube channel because it just felt so important to right now 😩

(aside: all these remasters will eventually get released under the old name as well, as a thank you and goodbye to the channel)



🎡 Remastered chiptune cover of Muse's Uprising

When I was a wee one, to me Muse just made catchy rock tunes, but holy shit their lyrics feel so relevant and important right now 😩

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


I went through my back-catalog of chiptune covers in chronological order, and have finally made a spreadsheet to organise which songs will appear on which volume. There's a lot!!!


Just in case you weren't aware - this is what the original sounded like when I made it 13 years ago. When I say "remastered" I really mean it 🀣

Urgh, it sounds SO GROSS!!!


🎡 Remastered chiptune cover of Muse's Survival

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


You went to the charity shop and DIDN’T get CDs or old video games?? 😭 πŸ«‚

πŸ“° I'm Remastering My Old Chiptune Covers

In December, I finally made the decision to sunset the alias "TomboFry", and going forwards I'll be using this username. That's not news, evidently.

Something I have really always wanted to do is release all my chiptune covers onto streaming services (as much as I hate streaming services...). This includes almost everything from 2012, when I released some covers from Muse's "The 2nd Law", until 2024, when I last released a cover of Muse's "Futurism" (to be fair I didn't think Muse would be both the first AND last thing I would make chiptune covers of. Quite apt, actually, considering that's what I was most well-known for, for a long time).

My plan is to release them in sections. Maybe three volumes - 2012-2016, 2017-2020, and 2020-2024? I'm not sure yet. I released quite a lot around the mid 2010s, and there's 105 songs in the "Chiptune Covers" playlist on YouTube.

For a fun little comparison, here's the old version of a chiptune cover - No Surprises, by Radiohead:

Compared with the new version. This was among one of my first released covers, and it was pretty bad, with missing parts and just generally sounding thin. I don't even think I was massively happy with it back then, but I just didn't have the skill to make it better. It's SO much different now.

Anyway, that's what I plan on doing in the next couple of months, and I've been posting previews on BlueSky, so you should follow me there for more frequent and auditory updates until it's done! Stay tuned 😎


🎡 Chiptune cover of Big Freeze by Muse ❄

This might actually be one of my favourite Muse songs!

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


🎡 Remastered chiptune cover of Muse's Undisclosed Desires

Soooo it turns out I never actually released this one, 10 years ago and it was fully ready to go and everything! 😱

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


Thanks! This is FL Studio


🎡 Remastered chiptune cover of Muse's Supermassive Black Hole 🌌

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


🎡 Remastered chiptune cover of K/DA's POP/STARS 🎀

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


🎡 Pendulum - Crush

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


🎡 Third on the docket, we have Green Day's Revolution Radio ✊

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


🎡 Next track to be remastered, the Pokemon theme! ⚑

#chiptune #8bit #fakebit


🎡 I figured it was finally time to put all those old chiptune covers into an actual album and release it. First song to be remastered - The Final Countdown πŸ•š

#chiptune #8bit #flstudio


How can everyone hate this man?! All the worms are blushing, they’re happy to see us 😭

πŸ’¬ I should track podcast listens too… πŸ€”

I did add stars! They animate very slowly! (and all the animations are turned off if you have "reduced motion" enabled in your accessibility settings, I'm not a monster)


Once I switch over the domain name to not use my real name I'll probably share it a bunch 'cause I think everything I've done on this project is reeeeally cool - I'm very proud of the video game stuff!